Monday, June 6, 2016


Welcome to New York.

     Wow. I don't even know where to begin. My past week in New York was one of the hardest weeks of my entire 18 years on this earth. We partnered up with Global Gates Missions "to see gospel transformation of the world's most unevangelized people groups who have come to global gateway cities, and through them reach their communities around the world." New York City is a strategic location because of its diversity and increased influx of unreached people groups. There are over 2 million Jews, 800,000 Muslims, 400,000 Hindus, 650,000 Chinese, and 50,000 international students living in the Metro New York area. 

     We were split up into evangelism teams, and each team was assigned an area in New York. My team was assigned to Sunnyside and Astoria. There, we were given a list of homes to knock on and attempt to share the Gospel with them. Out of about 40 homes that my team went to, about 5 opened their doors. Since the homes weren't working very well, we decided to go to parks and busy streets to strike up conversation. What I automatically noticed was that the people were so guarded. When I would greet people walking by, they would hesitate and most didn't even wave back. 

     The first day quickly came to an end, and my team didn't have any Gospel conversations. However, every night, all the teams would gather for debriefing where people would share their experiences. At first, I was discouraged that others were seeing so much success. I heard stories about people sharing the Gospel to Muslims and atheists. Jealousy stirred inside of me. And how silly of me to feel jealous over God's work!? I was reminded that we are all part of the SAME TEAM! We are all partners in serving the same God! Also, success isn't defined by how may times I get to share the Gospel or how many people I see come to Christ. Instead, SUCCESS IS OBEDIENCE and obedience always leads to joy (John 15:9-11)! I am only here to plant seeds, and God does the growing. He is the one who saves, not me. I am only a small part of God's grand mission to seek and save the lost, and how beautiful it is that God CHOOSES to use us to accomplish his mission! 

     I also experienced the POWER of prayer this week! Scripture says that God hears every prayer (1John 5:14). There is no such thing as unanswered prayer. When we aren't expecting an answer to our prayers, it is insulting to God. We are denying his characteristics to be almighty, sovereign and faithful. And WOW...God did answer prayers this week! On Thursday morning before starting the day, I prayed that God would break my heart for what breaks his. It has been an exhausting week, and I had started to doubt God's faithfulness. I started thinking how sharing the Gospel is going to make even the slightest  dent on a devout Muslim's beliefs or an atheist that has been hurt by a Christian. I wanted to feel God's burden for the lost people in New York, and I prayed that He would use that to set a fire in my heart to desire to go and share the Good News! After a quite uneventful first 3 hours, I finally encountered a man that was open to hearing about Jesus. I shared the Gospel using a simple 3 circles diagram. He got so offended and mad; I felt attacked. After the conversation, I felt an immense burden for him, and I was so overwhelmed that I just cried. It wasn't until a couple of minutes later that I realized God had answered my prayer. In that moment, God reminded me that even though I was hurting for that man, He hurts infinitely more. God desires to save everyone (1Timothy 2:4)! In the midst of tears, I was also reminded of the TREASURE of community. My team lifted my head up, and we all prayed over the man.

     My sole goal this summer is still to know God more. I came in with a mindset of wanting to see changed hearts, but when I didn't see the immediate results, God reminded me that He desires to work in MY heart as much as He wants to change the hearts of those who have never heard of His name. God is still sanctifying me; I'm not there yet. He desires to work IN and THROUGH me. New York has been a GOOD experience. 

Much love,


Sunday, June 5, 2016

A Sweet Beginning...


Meet my sweet roommate, Cassidy. 

     I know I am behind on my blogs...Please forgive me, I haven't had wi-fi until now! Here is a little about what the Lord has taught me during Orientation Week. I have never met so many amazing, inspiring, and encouraging people in one place! So, a HUGE thank you to all of my supporters who have helped me take part of City Project! 

     During orientation week, we studied the vision for this summer and went over some other logistics. The vision of City Project is that we would be "disciples who make disciples together."  Through Matthew 4:19, "'Come follow me,' Jesus said, 'and I will make you fishers of men,'" we defined a disciple as someone who is with Jesus, being changed by Jesus, and on mission with Jesus. My desire this summer is to long for Jesus. Being able to call him my Lord and Savior was costly! He  had to die a gruesome death for me and you on the cross, and too often I take his sacrifice for granted. It's a PRIVILEGE to be able to call him my Father!

     We also spent a lot of time getting to know each other. One Wednesday, we had field day when we played a huge game of a four-square-capture-the-flag sort of game. I went all out...I still have cuts and scrapes on my knees from that game and it was nearly two weeks ago! Another day, we played sand volleyball for 4 hours! I think my skin got about 5 shades darker... On Friday, we fasted throughout breakfast and lunch while we spent 4 hours in the morning at Duke Gardens reflecting on our first week and spending quiet time with the Lord.

     During this time, God revealed to me that my priorities have shifted. I have focused so much on getting to know everyone else that I had pushed getting to know Jesus off to the side. My selfish desires scream that I want to be best friends with everyone, which is totally unrealistic. I am a finite human being, and I know that I am only capable of making so many relationships. However, being surrounded by such awesome people, it has been challenging for me to set aside time for just me and Jesus. I know that Christian community is blessed and precious, but it can't replace my personal relationship with Jesus. So, I have reordered my first priority everyday to be to know God more. If knowing and being with Jesus is the only thing that I experience this summer, that is enough! Knowing God is enough! I am in no way shunning community at all. I stand in awe and just marvel at what a privilege it is to be completely immersed in Christian community for the entire summer! We are in such a unique season of our lives, and I am beyond grateful to be able to do life with 86 other college students who LOVE Jesus.

Prayer Points:
- that I will discipline myself to spend quiet time with Jesus every day.
- that I will serve and honor those around me, that I can be uplifting and encouraging to my sisters and brothers in Christ.
- that my heart will desire to long for Jesus, that the Gospel will be a source of JOY for me.
- that the Gospel be the primary motivator for all that I say and do.

Thank you for all of your support!

Much love,